Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) constituted Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board (GASAB) with the support of Government of India through a notification dated 12th August, 2002. The Board has high level representation from the important accounting heads in Government, Ministry of Finance, Department of Post, Railways, Defence, Finance Secretaries of states, RBI, ICAI etc. (http://gasab.gov.in/gasab/about.aspx)
Government operations impact all individuals/the public either through the payments of taxes or through the implementation of various welfare schemes/public health programmes and development of infrastructure. Thus, the public at large, academicians, entrepreneurs, accountants and auditors are stakeholders in ensuring that the government accounts present a true and fair view of government operations, the costs incurred thereon and the revenues collected both taxes and non-tax revenues earned by the government.
In view of this GASAB invites suggestions/views to develop new standards/modifying existing standards/simplifications of accounting systems to enhance Fiscal Transparency. In this regard, a new tab ‘New Ideas for GASAB’ is meant to flag the concepts/areas (in the given format) which require better/detailed disclosure for inclusion in the accounts through formulation of a Standard.
The stakeholders could send their concepts/areas to the e-mail address gasab-newideas[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in strictly in the following prescribed manner: